JTrack: EMA Assessments and More
The open source JTrack platform - the two smartphone applications JTrack EMA+ and JTrack social, and server infrastructure to enable central data collection - enables clinical and behavioral researchers to collect digital phenotyping data from specific study populations via participants’ smartphones.
It allows to collect digital phenotyping information about smartphone usage, sensor data and participants’ self-perceptions of specific events or activities that occur in their daily lives, using sensors embedded in any modern smartwatches and smartphones and ecological momentary assessments. JTrack social has an active labling and passive monitoring mode, which can also be combined. Passive monitoring does not require any interaction with the user, whereas active labeling annotates sensor data with user-provided information. JTrack EMA can collect questionnaire data. The specific sensor and phone usage measure combinations are study specific and can be customized by researchers to their needs. Afterwards, participants can register for a study via QR code.
Data privacy measures ensure that participants explicitly consent to data collection and transfer, and that the collected data do not contain any identifiable or personal information.
An overview of JTrack is also available as an easily digestible leaflet: Download Flyer